We are a famiy of 6 who like to try to keep things simple. We feel so blessed by the gifts that God has given us in each of our children. We have had the privilege of adopting all of them.
I started this blog to keep track of all the memories that are being made at this moment. If you somehow come across this, my prayer is that in someway you may see how great our God's love for us is and that if you don't know Him as your own, you will seek a relationship with Him and recieve it too.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Daddy~ "Hannah, what did you do?" Hannah~ "Nothing." Daddy~ "Where were you?" Hannah~ "I went potty." Daddy~ "What did you do in there?" Hannah~ "Nothing!" Daddy~ "Did you get into mommy's make up?" Hannah~ "NO!"
Looks CAN be deceiving you know.....!!!!! Julia